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Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Georgia Property Taxes

Georgia USA Property Taxes

If you’re new to Georgia, welcome! We know that settling into a new state can be challenging, so our real estate team is here to help answer any questions you may have.

A question we get a lot from out-of-staters is about property tax rates. We completely understand why this would be at the top of your mind. Property taxes significantly affect how much your monthly housing costs will be or how much you’ll need to set aside in your annual budget. In some cases, high property taxes can end up adding thousands of dollars to your overall housing costs over time.

This article explains everything you need to know about Georgia’s property taxes in simple terms. Find the information you need to understand and determine your property tax bill.

About Georgia Property Taxes

a model house with coins on the left side

Georgia’s property tax system is set up and overseen by the Georgia Department of Revenue. The Georgia General Assembly determines how the revenue from these taxes will be used. This source of revenue helps fund infrastructure and school systems.

The two types of property taxes in Georgia are ad valorem taxes (based on the value of your property) and special assessments (flat fees charged for specific services, like streetlights or garbage collection).

Ad valorem taxes make up the vast majority of property tax revenue in Georgia. In the fiscal year (FY) 2016, over 95% of all local property tax collections came from ad valorem taxes.

How Ad Valorem Taxes Work

calculator with a word VAT on the right side

In Georgia, all real estate is taxable unless specifically exempted by law. Real estate includes land, buildings, improvements to land (like fences or driveways), and manufactured homes that are affixed to land and considered real property. These ad valorem taxes are owed by the January 1 property owner. There are no refunds for partial-year ownership.

The local county collects the state, county, and city property taxes. County commissioners, city governments, and school boards set their tax rates. The county tax assessor is responsible for valuing all properties according to state law. The Tax Commissioner oversees the valorem tax process for their county.

The Georgia Constitution requires a minimum assessment of 40% of the fair market value for all taxable property. The fair market value is determined on January 1 each year, as per OCGA 48-5-6. Each year, counties compare the data in the property tax digest to sales records. If property values seem too high or low, they reassess them.

One thing to note is that some cities and independent school districts have been given authority to tax at an assessment rate different from 40% of property value. For instance, the City of Dublin and the Dublin Independent School District tax 47% of property value. Dalton and Gainesville assess at 100% fair market value.

Calculating Taxes

All homeowners are eligible for a $2,000 standard exemption from their primary residence’s assessed value. New homeowners must apply by April 1 of that tax year.

For example, let’s say your home is worth $200,000 on the open market. With a 40% assessment ratio, the taxable value of your home would be $80,000. The homestead exemption drops that to $78,000 of taxable value.

Each county and municipality levies ad valorem taxes at their millage rate. A millage rate is the amount of tax you pay per $1,000 of taxable value. So, if your county has a millage rate of 20 mills (or 0.002) and your home has a taxable value of $78,000, your annual property tax bill would be 20 x $78 = $1,560.

The state itself phased out its property tax assessment in 2015. All property taxes are paid to the county or municipality.

How Georgia Property Taxes Compare

a card board miniature home with another board written with property taxes

Georgia’s property taxes are relatively low compared to other states. The average property rate paid per home value in Georgia is 0.92%, ranking the state no. 27 in the nation based on the average effective property tax rate. That’s the amount of taxes paid against the home’s value. In 2023, Georgia property owners paid a median of $3,261.51 annually in residential taxes based on a median of $354,100 in home value.

To put this into perspective, the US homeowner’s average annual property tax bill was $2,971.

So while property taxes are a big part of owning a home in Georgia, they’re not as high as in other states. And Georgia’s low property taxes could save you money in the long run.

The highest median tax bills were Fulton, Fayette, and Forsyth County, all counties part of the Atlanta metro. The lowest median tax bills were in Warren, Atkinson, and Baker Counties.

The median tax rate is not the be-all and end-all; you must also take property values. The highest median tax bills correspond to counties with the highest property values; they may not have the highest millage rates. The average Georgia county millage rate was 30 mils in 2021.

What Property Taxes Do You Pay Each Year?

Local governments collect and administer property tax with the help of the Georgia Department of Revenue (GDOR). Each county will have its own way of assessing and collecting taxes because there is no longer a state-wide uniform tax rate.

Counties, cities, and school districts have the power to levy taxes on any physical or personal property. These include ad valorem, school taxes, and special assessments, such as for fire districts or bonds.

When Are Georgia Property Taxes Due?

property tax due being calculated

In Georgia, most tax notices are mailed in the year’s third quarter. The property taxes are typically due on December 20 of each year, but the precise date may vary by county. Each county has a different structure for late fees. For instance, 0.52% interest is added to the monthly balance owed in Gwinnett County. At 120 days, there is a 5% penalty. An additional 5% is added every 120 days after that, up to 20%.

In Clayton County, interest accrues based on the current year’s bank loan prime rate, which in 2022 was 3.25%. A 5% penalty is added every 120 days delinquent, up to 20%.

Camden County charges 1% of the delinquent taxes owed per month and then a penalty of 10% of taxes due starting 90 days late.

Counties can also file a tax lien on the property and potentially sell the home to a new owner if full taxes and penalties are not paid.

As you can see, there’s a lot of variance in late fees for delinquent taxes.

Some counties offer the convenience of online tax payments. To learn how to pay your taxes, contact the individual Board of Tax Collectors.

Property tax returns are due to be filed with the county of residence between January 1 and April 1 each year. The local board sets the date.

Georgia Property Tax Appeals

If you think your property was unfairly overvalued in the most recent tax notice, you can file an appeal with your county’s Board of Tax Assessors.

The method of appeal can vary slightly. Generally speaking, to start the appeal process, you’ll need to fill out a petition and submit it to your county Board of Tax Assessors. You may need to file a property tax return requesting a change, usually by April 1 of the year. The board will set a hearing date, and you’ll have an opportunity to present your case.

It’s important to note that you can only appeal your property’s value, not the amount of taxes you owe. So, if your property is valued at $100,000 and you think it’s worth only $80,000, you can appeal the value.

But, if your property is valued at $100,000 and you owe $1,500 in taxes, you can’t appeal the amount of taxes you owe.

Types of Homestead Exemptions

miniature home with a man behind calculation for property tax exemptions

Georgia offers a few different special programs that can lower the tax bill.

The most common exemption is the Homestead Exemption, which exempts $2,000 of your home’s value from taxation. To qualify for this statewide exemption, you must own and occupy your home as your primary residence as of January 1 in the tax year.

Apply for the homestead exemption with your county tax officials by the property tax return deadline. This is typically on April 1. Once granted, it has automatic renewal until the home changes owners.

You can also qualify for a Senior Homestead Exemption. Individuals 65 years and older can take a $4,000 exemption from county ad valorem taxes if that person’s income and their combined spouse’s income does not exceed $10,000 that year. Excluded is income from retirement sources, pensions, and disability income to the maximum amount allowed to be paid under the federal Social Security Act.

Eligible homeowners 62 and older can also be exempted from school board levies under the same guidelines as above.

Additional exemptions are available for veterans, disabled persons, and surviving spouses of military personnel killed in action.

Counties can enact a local homestead exemption using a valuation freeze year. This county exemption, available in 35 counties and the City of Atlanta, will stop the property’s appraised value from changing as long as the homeowner resides there. Age and income restrictions may apply.

Historic properties listed on the National or Georgia Register of Historic Places can qualify for preferential assessment. Essentially, this exemption locks in the property value for nine years. It applies to buildings or structures and no more than the two acres surrounding them.

Applications for homestead exemption are made with the county tax collector.

Who Can Help Me Figure Out GA Property Taxes?

a notebook with Property Tax written in front

If you’re looking to purchase a home in Georgia, there are resources available to help you estimate your residential property taxes.

The local county tax assessors are an excellent resource to start with. Some counties have an online tool where you can search for a specific address and find information about its estimated value and tax rates. We also recommend looking at data from the Georgia Department of Revenue and referring to this listing of county tax assessors.

Your professional real estate agent is another resource for pointing out who to contact in the area you’re searching for a home. They may also have insights about county school tax rates and special tax districts for particular neighborhoods that interest you. They may be aware of talks about increasing millages or new special assessments.


Who has the highest property tax rate in Georgia?

If you look solely at the millage rate, then the taxing authorities that rank the highest the school boards. Specifically, Doraville School District in DeKalb County had the highest 2024 millage rate, at 54.994. Following that was Edison in Calhoun County with 25.534 mils and the CID Assembly in DeKalb County.

But millage rates don’t paint the whole picture, as you can have a low millage rate but high property values that still add up to thousands of dollars. Take Gwinnett County in the Atlanta metro, where the county-wide school district charged 0.36 mils. That’s low for a school district, but combined with all the other taxes, county residents paid $3,058 on average.

Looking at the average effective tax rate, which measures the percentage of property value paid in taxes, Doughtery, Miller, and Calhoun County residents paid the most. By average dollars, Fulton County residents paid $3,561 and Forsyth County residents paid $3,233 in 2023.

At what age are you exempt from paying property taxes in Georgia?

You are never exempt from paying your property taxes, even if you are a senior citizen. What Georgia does have are tax relief programs like the double homestead exemption, an inflation-proof exemption, and tax deferral program. These can lower your property tax payments.

Can you make partial payments?

Check with your county Tax Commissioner. There are some counties and cities that accept partial payments on property taxes. For example, Gwinnett County, Henry County, and Fulton County all take partial payments. There may be additional fees for not paying in full or using installment billing. 

Does Georgia have a property tax on vehicles?

Georgia residents do pay an ad valorem tax on vehicles. Starting in 2013, this became a one-time tax called the Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT). It is due every time a vehicle is titled, such as when it’s a brand new car, changing ownership, or someone moves into Georgia. It is 7% of fair market value, although those titled to new Georgia residents pay 3%. Some current or former service members are exempt from paying this tax. Any registration of motor vehicles before 2013 is still under the annual ad valorem tax system. It is paid when the vehicle is registered. 

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