Running and Real Estate
Real estate is like running. It’s the ultimate “you versus you” business where you’re not up against other realtors but yourself.
But it’s also a race against the clock, a game of wits and strategies, and a pursuit where every piece of information can be crucial to your success.
In this 25th episode of The Process podcast, Preston Guyton and Travis McClure discuss the upcoming mastermind event in Tahoe, the launch of Cheplak Digital, and the parallels between real estate and running.
Learn to get the most out of the real estate process and set yourself up for success!
The Parallels of Running & Real Estate
Real estate is like a marathon, not a sprint. It’s not something that you can do in one day and get it done with.
You have to be patient and persistent, but also realistic about your goals and how long it will take you to reach them (like running).
Real estate requires lots of time—and money!—to learn the ropes before you can start making money from it.
When you’re running, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about your surroundings.
Similar to real estate, if you want to be successful, there are some things that need to be done before your run starts like knowing your route.
You want to know where exactly the route is before starting out on it so that if something happens or if the weather changes and makes things more difficult than usual, then at least you’ll know what direction to head off in order for safety reasons.
As you can see, both running and real estate require training. In order to run long distances, you have to learn how your body works and what it’s capable of doing.
You need to understand the basics of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics in order for your muscles and joints to function properly during a race or workout session.
Real estate also requires training if you want it done well: You need knowledge about the market itself; how it works; who buys homes and why; where there’s demand for housing and where there isn’t.
It takes time to accomplish your best.
Some real estate agents often have unrealistic expectations of themselves as well as their clients.
They think they’ll close deals in hours or days instead of weeks or months and wonder why things aren’t moving along faster than they should be or even at all. This may sound extreme—but it happens more often than we’d like to admit.
Running is a commitment that pays off over time.
It takes effort, sacrifice and hard work to get where you want to be in running. The same holds true for real estate: you have to be willing to put in the effort, you have to be willing to make sacrifices, and you must be willing to put in the time and effort needed for success.
The longer you do it, the easier it gets.
You learn from your mistakes and successes; you build up your knowledge base; and, most importantly, you become more confident in yourself as a real estate investor.
More often than not, you get better at it as time goes on.
Look back on your progress
Just like a house being built from the ground up, your body and mind need time to adapt to any type of training.
Every run gets slightly easier, and your endurance and strength grow with each step you take.
The more consistent you are, the better the results. Similarly, real estate is a long-term investment and you should be willing to wait for it. It can be a great investment but it takes time to see the results.
Like running, real estate requires patience and persistence.
Not everyone can instantly become a champion runner, but the same is true of running a successful real estate business.
It requires training, endurance, patience and commitment to see results. The longer you do it, the easier it gets and you’ll always be able to look back on your progress with pride.
Start Your Home Search
Preston Guyton
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