Where to Find Historic Monuments in Charleston, SC
Charleston, South Carolina, was founded as “Charles Town” in 1670. The busy seaport city served as the seat of the provincial congress in 1775, and in 1783, it officially became Charleston. Today, more than 137,000 residents call Charleston their home. But while it’s thoroughly modern, its colonial past is still front and present, adding character and culture to the “Holy City.” Explore the historic monuments and sites, which include harbor forts and the first theater in colonial America.
Fort Sumter National Monument
Address: Fort Sumter Visitor Education Center, 340 Concord St, Charleston, SC 29401
After the War of 1812, Congress and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built more than 40 forts to help defend the country’s coastal shores. Construction on Fort Sumter began in 1829, a fortification designed to help defend Charleston Harbor. During the Civil War, it became a battle location less than 50 years later. Confederate forces garrisoned the Fort, which fell under siege and heavy bombardment. Today, this explosive history is shared at the Fort Sumter Visitor Education Center at Liberty Square, which is open to visitors. As an island Fort, the site is accessible only by ferry. Tours are available through Fort Sumter Tours.
Fort Moultrie
Address: Fort Moultrie, 1214 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
Paired with Fort Sumter, Sullivan’s Island served as a defensive position for Charleston Harbor during the 18th and 19th centuries. Colonel Moultrie and the Second South Carolina Infantry built the first fort there in 1776, but Fort Moultrie wasn’t complete when attacked on June 28, 1776. It was later rebuilt in 1809 and fortified again after the American Civil War. You can reach Fort Moultrie by car.
Morris Island Lighthouse
Address: Morris Island Lighthouse, 1750 E Ashley Ave, Folly Beach, SC 29439
The original Morris Island lighthouse stood 42 feet tall and was built in 1767 in Folly Beach to guide ships into Charleston Harbor. Rebuilt in 1838, the structure stood at 102 feet and featured a revolving light. It was destroyed during the Civil War but was then rebuilt and illuminated in 1876. By the late 1930s, island erosion was an issue, and the Morris Island Lighthouse was decommissioned in 1962. Today, Save the Light, Inc, owns and preserves the lighthouse.
Old Exchange Building
Address: Old Exchange Building, 122 E Bay St, Charleston, SC 29401
By far one of the most interesting Charleston museums, the Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon sits about four blocks north of the iconic Rainbow Row. The building has been military headquarters, a post office, and even a city hall, during its centuries of standing. Today, the City of Charleston owns it. The museum is considered one of the three most historically significant buildings from the colonial era.
Heyward-Washington House
Address: Heyward-Washington House, 87 Church St, Charleston, SC 29403
The Heyward-Washington House is within walking distance of Washington Square and the Dock Street Theatre. Built in 1772, it was the home of Thomas Heyward, Jr., a signer of the Declaration of Independence. In 1791, the home was rented for President George Washington to use during his stay in Charleston. Today, it’s a landmark building and displays historic Charleston-made furniture. Explore one of the only historic kitchens open to the public and a garden reflecting plants used in Lowcountry living in the 1700s.
Dock Street Theatre
Address: Dock Street Theatre, 135 Church St, Charleston, SC 29401
Located at the corner of Church and Queen Streets, the Dock Street Theatre was built in 1736. Today’s Queen Street was once Dock Street. The Dock Street Theatre was the first American building designed and built exclusively for theatrical performances, and it holds the title of “America’s First Theater.” The first performance at the theatre was The Recruiting Officer, which debuted on February 12, 1736. The theatre has been rebuilt (after a 1740 fire) and renovated, most recently in 2010. The city of Charleston currently owns and manages the facility. You can still attend theater performances in this historic venue.
Powder Magazine
Address: Powder Magazine, 79 Cumberland St #3112, Charleston, SC 29401
The Powder Magazine, on Cumberland Street just south of the Historic City Market, is listed as the oldest public building in Charleston, South Carolina. Built in 1713, it was used during the American Revolution as a gunpowder arsenal until 1748. Since then, it’s been a carriage house, livery stable, print shop, and wine cellar. Today, it’s a National Historic Landmark with a museum.
Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of the past as you explore some of the nation’s oldest and most historically significant sites. At these treasured Charleston historic monuments, you’ll uncover captivating tales woven into the fabric of the city’s storied past. Have fun exploring!
Updated January 2024
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