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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Building A Business Around Vision

If you’re starting a business, you know that it requires a lot more than just hard work and dedication.

It also takes vision.

A clear vision for your life, career, and business will help guide everything from where to spend your time to how much money you want to make in what period of time—and it’s something that can only come from within yourself.

It’s important to understand what you need in order to be successful as a business.

You may want to start with money, but there are many other things that need to be taken into consideration.

Whether you’re just getting started or looking for ways to grow and expand, it’s an uphill battle at times.

In this 28th episode of The Process Podcast, Lifeonaire CEO Jason Wojo gives us an overview of what it takes to build a company around a vision and the importance of making that leap into the role of an expert in your field.

Read on to find out how he got started, what his secret is for staying motivated, and how you can define your own vision and make it a reality.

Define your Vision

It’s easy to get lost in the details of building a business.

There will be plenty of different pieces that need to fall into place before you can finalize your vision for your next big step forward.

Hence, you need to know what you want, and why you want it.

Your vision should be something that is achievable.

It should also be something that is sustainable, meaning that it won’t crash and burn after the first few years of operation or even months.

And finally, your vision can benefit others by giving them a reason for being in business.

You need to be able to articulate your vision.

This can be done in many different ways.

For example: “My goal is to help people achieve their goals by providing them with the tools and resources they need.”

Or it could be more specific like this: “My goal is for each person who comes into my office for coaching or consulting services (or whatever else) to feel like there’s no barrier between them and success.” 

When it comes to building a business around your vision, there are also three key things that you must consider.

First, you need to know that what you’re doing is meaningful and important to you.

Second, it has to allow you enough time in your life so that when there aren’t any clients or customers at work (or when they’re not paying), your team can still get their work done without being interrupted by outside forces.

Third and finally: being able to make an impact on the world through your business will help keep the good vibes flowing.

The Purpose of Your Vision

What is the purpose behind your vision?

If you’re not sure what your vision is, ask yourself this question: Does this make a difference in the world?

If so, then it should be bigger than just making money and creating value for yourself.

It should be about helping people and creating value for society as a whole.

Your vision should be about making an impact on the world around you or within yourself (and hopefully both!).

Your business should be a force for good in the world.

It should help people, make the world better, and help those who are disadvantaged.

It has to have a clear mission statement that you can use as a guide when making decisions about your company’s future.

This statement will help you stay focused on what matters most to you and how you want others—including investors, employees and customers—to benefit from working with or supporting your brand.

So, how do you actually make sure that your purpose aligns with your business vision, and that they become one thing?

There are many ways this can be expressed in words—but what matters most is that it resonates with what people want from life; something larger than themselves; something bigger than their current situation at work or home; something greater than themselves as individuals.

Making an Impact

The vision of your business is not just about creating an amazing product or service.

It’s about the impact your business has on the world. Your company should have a purpose and mission that you can live with for the rest of your life.

The vision of every successful entrepreneur is simple: they want to make money so they can give back to society in some way through their work, but this is only part of it.

They also want people to know who they are through what they do (and how), which leads us back to our first point here: It’s not enough just to create something cool; it needs to be something that matters too.

Know who you want to be as a person, know what drives you and how your choices can be aligned for positive and negative outcomes.

Don’t let anyone tell you that your vision is impossible or unrealistic.

It doesn’t matter if the world thinks it can’t happen, because if there is something inside of them that makes them believe in themselves and their own abilities then it will happen!

Conclusion: Run with Your Vision

You need a clear vision for yourself and your business if you want to succeed.

Your vision is the starting point for everything you do in your business.

It’s what motivates and drives you every day as an entrepreneur and why people come back time after time because they know that if they stick with what matters most, then success will eventually find them too.

Your purpose is driven by your mission; which means that whatever happens along the way—good or bad—will all be worth it when compared with achieving their purpose/mission at hand.

The knowledge you accrue, the skills you develop, and the experiences you’ve had up until this point in your life are only so much fertilizer for the flower of your idea.

In order for your vision to blossom into a lucrative, thriving business, it needs consistent and wholehearted attention on how to grow.

It’s important to remember that anyone can draw a picture of something and claim that it’s their dream.

But the best entrepreneurs are able to run with the vision they have in their heads and make it happen.

Be willing to bet on your vision in the process.

There’s always room for improvement, so if you keep your eyes on the prize, you’ll get there one step at a time.

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